Friday, December 16, 2016

                                  Class evaluation

Something I liked about this class is how we get to practice our typing skills. Also because we learn how to type more faster and faster. Then the teacher shows us how to choose the right and what is the wrong.
Something i don't like about this class is that it is always cold never warm.
Some recommendation for improving this class is to type faster and do my work more faster. I mean i do all my work but i need to put more writing into it. Another thing is that i should not be laughing way to much.
The best thing of this class was the songs that the teacher puts. the whole class will see and just laugh. Also when someone did not bring the CTR card and you had to stand up because you CTW. Another thing is when we have to explain what you think the quote means. This was nice because what got the moment to write what were our thoughts and write them down.
I do think I did my best in this class. I will always finish my work complete . The was very few times that i did not finish in time. The only thing I have to work on is not talking be more quite. If you think about it it is fun to be in this class.
Yes I am reading my life planing journal goals. The life planing goals journal is a notebook. So you could write your goals that you want to accomplish through life. Then if you did accomplish them you put or mark down that you did do it. And then  of course you try to accomplish them all.
Yes I committed to being a CTR person because I want people to know me as a good and kind girl. Not like a mean girl that does not want to help anyone and that no one loves.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The honest movie summary
This story was about honesty. They were taking a test in class that day. There was this one girl that ask the other girl during the test for the a answer to number4. Then they showed a group of men taking a test for medical school. Some of them out of nowhere ,were taking out paper that had the answer of the test. One man then stood up and told them if they don’t put them away he will tell on them. They put them all away and they did their test without cheating. At the end it turned out that they all passed the test. Then it came back to the girl in the class taking the test and the other girl that wants the answer for number4. At the end the girl thought of the  right thing to do . so she did not give the answer to the girl.

          “ When you tell one lie it leads to another’’
This quote means that when you lie things are always going to get worse. For example if you start to talk something bad about a person. Then that is going to start everything. Sometimes people might say what you said but they will change almost everything. Then you would be the one getting into trouble about that rumor. Every time you say a bad lie it’s just going to get worse and worse. That lie is just going to grow bigger and bigger. It’s like putting more wood in a fire. But if you don’t want to pass through all this trouble just say the true and never start the lie. When you put up a lie like I did not do it them then they will blame the other person . Then at the end he has the fault and now he got in trouble. How is that going to make you feel. That because of your lie and did not want to tell now your friend or sibbing is in trouble because of the lie you did. When you do something I i know it’s hard to tell the true but it would be the best. Don’t let the lie get bigger. Just remember the bigger the lie is the bigger the fault and the trouble you going to get in.

Friday, December 9, 2016

 The movie summary

This story was about a family that was camping on the desert. So they woke up the next morning and the little boy decided to explore around. His parents told him to wear his shoes but he did not want to. At the end he took his flip flops. When he was walking he felt like a torn pinch his ankle. When he looked down it was not his ankle it was a scorpion that pinch him. He screamed for help from wear he was. His parents went to go watch what he had and they got in him in the car. They are going to the nearest hospital that is 2 hours away from where they were. When they were driving the parent could of thought that if he was going to live or not. When they got to the hospital they doctor did what he got to do. At the end the kid was out of danger. The lesson they thought was that you need to follow the rules because it always turn out getting bad.

“Always Do Right”

This quote means that you always have to do what’s good for you. To think what are you going to do and think if that is beneficial for you. You have to see what’s wrong and what’s right  about it. For example if you see someone get bullied what you think is the right thing to do. You have to go tell someone older than you and say what you saw. In the other hand if you don’t that bully will never stop bothering the kid that is not doing nothing to him. Another example is when they ask you to smoke and they keep insisting you to try it. The right thing to do is say no and no. then when you do that you walk away. When friend ask you to try something you don’t want to they are not your real friends. If they were your real friend they would CTR for you instead of offering you bad stuff. You have to see with what people you hang up with and and always say no to all the bad things there is in life.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

                                   "It's better to be alone than to be in bad company"

This quote means that if you have a friend that is bad influencing you to stay away from them. They are no good for you. Foe example if you are doing your homework. Then they come over and tell you lets go have fun to the friends party. But you tell them no because you have to do your homework. If they accept that you have a lot of homework then they will leave you alone that if a good friend.  when they are  bad friends they me telling you until they get what they want. And at the end you don't do your homework and you get a bad grade. Another example is when you are doing a group project and lets say you are working in groups of four. The teacher let you pick your patterns so you pick your best friends. Then in the middle or even in the beginning you start to see that they don't want to do their job in the project. So you realize that you love your friends but they don't put nothing of their part to get a good grade. then you end up doing the work by yourself and probably with another member of the group and of course you still got a good grade. So that's when you see it's better to work alone because they did not help you in doing and you did it by yourself and got a good grade. And the only thing they did was distract you

                    “World War 11”

World War 11 occur in 1939 and ended in 1945. The reasons why this War occur was because  Italian fascism in the 1920s. Also because  Japanese militarism and invasions of China in the 1930s. That's not all because world war 11 started like the political takeover in 1933 of Germany by  Hitler and his Nazi Party. In world WAR 11 the was about 50 million to more than 80  million deaths. In the united states our population is about 131,028,000 and when the war occur about 419,400  of the population died because of this war. It is good to be thank full for all of the people that go to war. They risk their life to make the place better. They are the ones that want to keep things in peace for their state.A lot of people die of course in the war. But people are always going to remember them as the heros they are. That they died not because of robbing or doing something bad. But of going to war and doing what’s right and want to change the way how the states is.

Image result for world war 11

Monday, December 5, 2016

                      Challenges Teens Face Today

Some of the challenges teens pass today are most important school. They have to worry about being on task and always doing what they suppose to do.  They sometimes will have a lot of homework and they have to do it because that is based on their grade. They also have challenges if they are in a sport. They have to do their best to not get out of the team. If they really like to play in the team and the sport they have to find ways to do good in school also. Manage their time during the day for you can’t feel pursue that you have not done it yet. And you check the time and it’s like 12pm. Another struggle is when your exam is coming up and you are so nervous and you just want it to be over. Also when you wake up in the morning to go to school and you want to go back to bed. Some teens may face in school like they are getting bullied and they don’t want to go back to school because of that. They think of what they might do to them and just start to panic. It could even be when teens are not feeling it that day to be 100% happy but they have to put up with the face .

Thursday, December 1, 2016

“ Physical fitness is not only one of the most important key to be a healthy body. It is the basics of the dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.”

This quote means that when not only when you do exercise you just could go around saying that you are fit. You need to also so your lifestyle choices and what you eat. If you have a healthy body and a healthy life you should act positive. Stay positive don’t say negative things about people. When you say some or be mean to someone that is not showing that you have a healthy body. Why you wonder because you are not thinking positive about people you waiting to say something about that person.If you want to say that you have a healthy body then act like you do. CTR not the wrong were u talk about people because that would be the only thing that you don’t have healthy. When you stay strong and even if you don’t like that person for some reason you should always think. To not CTW and be mean try to act nice for that you could always have a healthy body.