“ When you tell one lie it leads to another’’
This quote means that when you lie things are always going to get worse. For example if you start to talk something bad about a person. Then that is going to start everything. Sometimes people might say what you said but they will change almost everything. Then you would be the one getting into trouble about that rumor. Every time you say a bad lie it’s just going to get worse and worse. That lie is just going to grow bigger and bigger. It’s like putting more wood in a fire. But if you don’t want to pass through all this trouble just say the true and never start the lie. When you put up a lie like I did not do it them then they will blame the other person . Then at the end he has the fault and now he got in trouble. How is that going to make you feel. That because of your lie and did not want to tell now your friend or sibbing is in trouble because of the lie you did. When you do something I i know it’s hard to tell the true but it would be the best. Don’t let the lie get bigger. Just remember the bigger the lie is the bigger the fault and the trouble you going to get in.
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