Friday, December 16, 2016

                                  Class evaluation

Something I liked about this class is how we get to practice our typing skills. Also because we learn how to type more faster and faster. Then the teacher shows us how to choose the right and what is the wrong.
Something i don't like about this class is that it is always cold never warm.
Some recommendation for improving this class is to type faster and do my work more faster. I mean i do all my work but i need to put more writing into it. Another thing is that i should not be laughing way to much.
The best thing of this class was the songs that the teacher puts. the whole class will see and just laugh. Also when someone did not bring the CTR card and you had to stand up because you CTW. Another thing is when we have to explain what you think the quote means. This was nice because what got the moment to write what were our thoughts and write them down.
I do think I did my best in this class. I will always finish my work complete . The was very few times that i did not finish in time. The only thing I have to work on is not talking be more quite. If you think about it it is fun to be in this class.
Yes I am reading my life planing journal goals. The life planing goals journal is a notebook. So you could write your goals that you want to accomplish through life. Then if you did accomplish them you put or mark down that you did do it. And then  of course you try to accomplish them all.
Yes I committed to being a CTR person because I want people to know me as a good and kind girl. Not like a mean girl that does not want to help anyone and that no one loves.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The honest movie summary
This story was about honesty. They were taking a test in class that day. There was this one girl that ask the other girl during the test for the a answer to number4. Then they showed a group of men taking a test for medical school. Some of them out of nowhere ,were taking out paper that had the answer of the test. One man then stood up and told them if they don’t put them away he will tell on them. They put them all away and they did their test without cheating. At the end it turned out that they all passed the test. Then it came back to the girl in the class taking the test and the other girl that wants the answer for number4. At the end the girl thought of the  right thing to do . so she did not give the answer to the girl.

          “ When you tell one lie it leads to another’’
This quote means that when you lie things are always going to get worse. For example if you start to talk something bad about a person. Then that is going to start everything. Sometimes people might say what you said but they will change almost everything. Then you would be the one getting into trouble about that rumor. Every time you say a bad lie it’s just going to get worse and worse. That lie is just going to grow bigger and bigger. It’s like putting more wood in a fire. But if you don’t want to pass through all this trouble just say the true and never start the lie. When you put up a lie like I did not do it them then they will blame the other person . Then at the end he has the fault and now he got in trouble. How is that going to make you feel. That because of your lie and did not want to tell now your friend or sibbing is in trouble because of the lie you did. When you do something I i know it’s hard to tell the true but it would be the best. Don’t let the lie get bigger. Just remember the bigger the lie is the bigger the fault and the trouble you going to get in.

Friday, December 9, 2016

 The movie summary

This story was about a family that was camping on the desert. So they woke up the next morning and the little boy decided to explore around. His parents told him to wear his shoes but he did not want to. At the end he took his flip flops. When he was walking he felt like a torn pinch his ankle. When he looked down it was not his ankle it was a scorpion that pinch him. He screamed for help from wear he was. His parents went to go watch what he had and they got in him in the car. They are going to the nearest hospital that is 2 hours away from where they were. When they were driving the parent could of thought that if he was going to live or not. When they got to the hospital they doctor did what he got to do. At the end the kid was out of danger. The lesson they thought was that you need to follow the rules because it always turn out getting bad.

“Always Do Right”

This quote means that you always have to do what’s good for you. To think what are you going to do and think if that is beneficial for you. You have to see what’s wrong and what’s right  about it. For example if you see someone get bullied what you think is the right thing to do. You have to go tell someone older than you and say what you saw. In the other hand if you don’t that bully will never stop bothering the kid that is not doing nothing to him. Another example is when they ask you to smoke and they keep insisting you to try it. The right thing to do is say no and no. then when you do that you walk away. When friend ask you to try something you don’t want to they are not your real friends. If they were your real friend they would CTR for you instead of offering you bad stuff. You have to see with what people you hang up with and and always say no to all the bad things there is in life.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

                                   "It's better to be alone than to be in bad company"

This quote means that if you have a friend that is bad influencing you to stay away from them. They are no good for you. Foe example if you are doing your homework. Then they come over and tell you lets go have fun to the friends party. But you tell them no because you have to do your homework. If they accept that you have a lot of homework then they will leave you alone that if a good friend.  when they are  bad friends they me telling you until they get what they want. And at the end you don't do your homework and you get a bad grade. Another example is when you are doing a group project and lets say you are working in groups of four. The teacher let you pick your patterns so you pick your best friends. Then in the middle or even in the beginning you start to see that they don't want to do their job in the project. So you realize that you love your friends but they don't put nothing of their part to get a good grade. then you end up doing the work by yourself and probably with another member of the group and of course you still got a good grade. So that's when you see it's better to work alone because they did not help you in doing and you did it by yourself and got a good grade. And the only thing they did was distract you

                    “World War 11”

World War 11 occur in 1939 and ended in 1945. The reasons why this War occur was because  Italian fascism in the 1920s. Also because  Japanese militarism and invasions of China in the 1930s. That's not all because world war 11 started like the political takeover in 1933 of Germany by  Hitler and his Nazi Party. In world WAR 11 the was about 50 million to more than 80  million deaths. In the united states our population is about 131,028,000 and when the war occur about 419,400  of the population died because of this war. It is good to be thank full for all of the people that go to war. They risk their life to make the place better. They are the ones that want to keep things in peace for their state.A lot of people die of course in the war. But people are always going to remember them as the heros they are. That they died not because of robbing or doing something bad. But of going to war and doing what’s right and want to change the way how the states is.

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Monday, December 5, 2016

                      Challenges Teens Face Today

Some of the challenges teens pass today are most important school. They have to worry about being on task and always doing what they suppose to do.  They sometimes will have a lot of homework and they have to do it because that is based on their grade. They also have challenges if they are in a sport. They have to do their best to not get out of the team. If they really like to play in the team and the sport they have to find ways to do good in school also. Manage their time during the day for you can’t feel pursue that you have not done it yet. And you check the time and it’s like 12pm. Another struggle is when your exam is coming up and you are so nervous and you just want it to be over. Also when you wake up in the morning to go to school and you want to go back to bed. Some teens may face in school like they are getting bullied and they don’t want to go back to school because of that. They think of what they might do to them and just start to panic. It could even be when teens are not feeling it that day to be 100% happy but they have to put up with the face .

Thursday, December 1, 2016

“ Physical fitness is not only one of the most important key to be a healthy body. It is the basics of the dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.”

This quote means that when not only when you do exercise you just could go around saying that you are fit. You need to also so your lifestyle choices and what you eat. If you have a healthy body and a healthy life you should act positive. Stay positive don’t say negative things about people. When you say some or be mean to someone that is not showing that you have a healthy body. Why you wonder because you are not thinking positive about people you waiting to say something about that person.If you want to say that you have a healthy body then act like you do. CTR not the wrong were u talk about people because that would be the only thing that you don’t have healthy. When you stay strong and even if you don’t like that person for some reason you should always think. To not CTW and be mean try to act nice for that you could always have a healthy body.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

“If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.’’

This quote means that when you do good for that something you did in the day you should feel proud of yourself that you did something good. In the other hand when you did something wrong you would not like no one two know you did something of course. Like for example when you break something and then they start to blame your sibling. The correct thing to do at that moment is to tell the truth or take guilty of what you done until it makes you feel bad. Another example is when they tell you to you to not do it how are you going to decide to pick the right thing. One thing you can do is just don’t do it. Also when they tell you to something bad just say not and walk away. You are the one that sees if you want to be a good person or a bad person. You also decide if you want to be friends that want the best for you or want to destroy you. Cause some of the times the friends lead you to CTW but you have to CTR always . Also tell them the true of what they are doing wrong.
         Thanksgiving and Thanksgivings Day

Thanksgiving is celebrated on Thursday November 24. They first thanksgiving was celebrated by the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World in 1621. This feast they made lasted up to three days.The people who attend were 90 native American and 53 pilgrims. The purpose of this day was to people express their gratitude and especially to God for that day. A fact is that in Canada there is a similar holiday hold and it’s usually hold on the Monday of October. There are many ways  to celebrate Thanksgiving like for example do traditional foods such as turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, cornbread, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce. The most important thing is to always say thank you for this meal and for a wonderful day.Image result for thanksgiving families
As you could see in this picture is a family of course celebrating Thanksgiving but they are celebrating it in a family. You should be passing Thanksgiving with someone not by yourself. And of course always be grateful  for that day that you are spending with your family and friends.Image result for thanksgiving

Monday, November 14, 2016

"Doing what is right , fair and honorable is more than winning or loosing." 

This quote means that when you CTR you will feel much better than if your choosing the wrong. When for example you are in a team. You play because you like being in that team and playing your favorite sport. You don't have to play because it makes you more than people and don't want to brag that your on the team. It is better that you enjoy when you play and just have fun in what your doing. Don't always be thinking that you always have to win and not enjoy what you are doing. You have to have fun cause you don't know if that moment is going to come back again. If you loose it is okay to because it is going to be fine. You will loose but at least have fun and put effort to what you were doing.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

                                        Veterans Day

Veterans day is a public holiday held on the anniversary of the end of World War I to honor US veterans and victims of all wars. It is celebrated on October 11. The purpose of veterans day is to honor / celebrate all the veterans and the victims of all the war. It is important to show honor on veterans day because a lot of people died that day . Some ways to show honor on veterans day is going to visit a VA hospital , don’t ever confuse veterans day with memorial day , even write a simple postcard that recognize them on veterans day.
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Another day that is special has to be MLK day because he stood up and said that one day he had a dream that all people will be treated the same way. At the end it all change how he wanted it to be.
Veterans day should be celebrated. It is good that we have one day at least get to celebrate all of those who passed it through war. Also because they leave their family and go to war and probably won’t come back. We should honor them because they die and they leave their families alone . That why we should give them a moment of the day to honor veterans day. It is good that they make days like this to honor the people that did something in this world.

"Hold yourself responsible for a  higher standard than anybody that expect of you . Never excuse yourself."

This quote means that you should always be yourself. When you are being yourself at that moment you just one of a kind. Don't do things only cause your friends tell you to do it. Like for example if your friends tell you to do drugs but you say no that is the correct way to do it. When you say yes and you do use the drug that is CTW. Then if your parents see you using it you are going to make an excuse and say my friends were always bother me to do it do it and then you just start to lie. Also when your going to do a test you suppose to say your going to be fine. Some people might tell you your going to fall this test because you don't know nothing. What your suppose to do is prove them wrong . You are suppose to show them your higher standards that they did not expect. Just remember that some people always going to try to bring you down. But you always have to prove them wrong that you could even do better then them.

Monday, November 7, 2016

   There are 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity
                  1.Have the courage or say no
                  2.Have the courage to face the truth
                  3.Do the right thing because it is right

These 3 step will make you a better person in the world. If you follow this rules your life is just gonna live better you will always know that you are doing the right. By the way you will never also get into trouble. If you did something bad like hide something and then the other person is looking for it and then your brother os sister comes in and they tell them u were the last one that i saw u with. At that time your not having the courage to face the true and telling that you were the one that took it. So that is CTW because you are letting them punish your brother  instead of you just taking the blame. Another example is when a ‘’best friend’’ tells you if you want some drugs you will have to say step one and have the courage to say no and just walk away. In the other hand if you say yes that is not living your life with integrity. You always have to see what’s best for you if it something good you go for it . If it's something bad you will try to stay away from it as possible.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

" He that walked with wise men shall be wise; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed".

      This means that if you have mean friends you are you to probely become mean like them. In the other hand if you have good friends by your side you will be good like them. You have to choose your friends wise and see witch friend will be good or bad for you. Also you will check if that person will the way they always act.If you pick the wrong friends you will be into fights or you will just get into trouble. If you be with good friend they will be all come and won't look for people to get in trouble. Of course a good friend is really hard to find now in days. I you friend a really good friend that loves you so much and want the best future posibble that a really good friend. Just remember a friend is like a four leaf clover hard to find but lucky to have. Every one has their own way to find friend and pick them to be there friends. But it is always better to have a CTR friend for he or she could always guide you. Also to pick the right for you all the time and you for him or her.

Friday, October 28, 2016

"Right is right, even if anyone is against it; and wrong is wrong ,even if everyone is for it."

This quote means that when people are doing something bad to people they are thinking that is the good decision to make. Then when your doing something good the people will be like of she or he did something good and forget about it. It is like when you get in a fight a week is going to pass and they are still going to remember and even talk about the fight. When you do something people talk about you like for a minute or too that oh she is a nice kid and moves on with a different conversation.  It is like people appropriate more the people that act bad then the people that try to make the world better. Al thought there is still some people in this world that do know how to CTR and prefer the people that act good around other people. Who would not like to see a mannered children with other people besides of a not mannered children. When people CTW the doing bad to them self  because that will lead them into getting to trouble all the time. In the other hand if you CTR you will always be loved by other people and never get in to trouble. I f you choose to be a CTR or CTW person your the one that decides to be that person not other people. You will later see the rewards or the consequences it brings you for choosing the wrong or the right.

Image result for right and the bad

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

''Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you wan't now. Write down what you want more and see it often.''

This quote means that when you want something want something you try to achieve it. It is much better when you work for something that you want at the moment then something you want to achieve in the future. Like for example when you study way too much and don't have a little bit of time for yourself. The right thing to do is have fun but study too. You have the opportunity to have fun but also study you just have to find ways to do the both. A little time for your self is important because you have to get un stressed. Also you have to live your life, you don't have too be all day in the house studying. When people are youth they only get too live a fun life. Why because when you grow up you will probely have kids. So when you have kids you have to give them your full attention and your not going to be able to do the thing you use to do before when you were young.So do the sacrifice for for what you want more then what you wan't now.

School homecoming

Define what is school home coming?
School homecoming is when is the tradition of welcoming back former students and celebrating a school’s existence.

Tell the history of homecoming?
The history of homecoming has its origin in alumni football games held at colleges and universities since the 19th century.

Why do we celebrate homecoming in school?
They celebrate homecoming in schools when pep rally usually occurs on the day of the big homecoming game.

Describe several of the many events and activities related to a school homecoming?
They do this to celebrate the welcome back of former students.

Why is it called the homecoming game?
To announce the queen and the king of the night.

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It will be fun if you go to homecoming. It will be a good experience to go and have fun.

Monday, October 24, 2016

"A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life.''

This quote means that if your a good person you will always feel good about yourself. You will always want to be good or do the good to others because how you treat people is how they going to treat you. For example if you will always be doing bad stuff and lets say that u died or something. The people are going to be oh the kid that always does this is and always got into trouble. You would not like people talking about you when your dead. In the other way if you always act good around people they will always talk good about you around other people. If you want to achieve and be someone that help in the world you could start by even helping someone older than you cross the streets if they need help crossing or giving up your chair for someone older than you. If you don't achieve to be a CTR person than don't but people will or probely still treat you the same or different . They will treat you different because you act mean to people and why would they want to help you when you never wanted to help them. You get to choose if you achieve a good name in life by other or you don't.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

  " A good name is rather to be chosen then great riches."

This quote means that a person that has no money is a better person that does have money. For example if your walking down the streets and you see someone that is asking for money and your that  one of the people that has money pass and don't give nothing to the poor person that is asking for money. Then a person that works but not earns the same as the other person  that work gives the poor man money. Some of the thing going in his head are that let me give him money for food or for cloth. The other person thoughts are why would I give him money he young and he could look for a job. It would be more bad if the person with money waste it in drugs etc and don't give nothing to the poor person.

Friday, October 14, 2016

" If your so - called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong you be the one to make a stand of whats right, even  if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow''

This quote means that if your friends want you to do something you don't have to do it . Most of the time your friends are going to lead you to do bad choices. A true friend does not let his other friends to get in trouble. In fact you will want to choose whats always right for your friend. If a friend is tell you to go do the bad to other kids. At the moment the right decision to make is to stand up to him and tell hime it's wrong . Then you going to give him/her an example like that is bad thing to do what about if they did that to you you will not want that will you. In the other hand if you follow your friends lead and you do bad to the other person that your planing to do bad. That is just CTW because you did not stand up for a person. You did not think what could happen if you do that. I f your friend just wants to make other people less that thats not a good friend the one that always what to look for a problem to make. You should see with what kind of people you go across with because some of the them just will get you in trouble . If you find a good friend that does not like to fight then you will be good out of problem and you will be CTR. It's just a little hard finding good friend these days but there are many out their.


Duties and Responsibilities: A veterinarian in others words it’s called a vet. A vet takes care of practicing medicine by treating diseases , disorder ,  and injuries in animals.

Salary: Hourly they get paid about $40.61 and annual they get paid about $84,460.

Education: To become a Veterinarian the have to have their doctoral or professional degree.

Demands for this profession: To become one it will take around for years or more to become a vet.

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Reflection: I would like to study to become a vet. A reason is because I like being around pets. You get to save the animals life and make it better. You turn the animal from sad to happy. Plus to become a vet the career is not that many years to study.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

'' A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself''

This quote means that when you do the right you will always fell good about yourself. When you are being good at some place and  the people around you are alway going to look at you in a nice way. They are going to look at you in that way because your not because they now already that your a nice person. In the other had if you act bad they are going to think that your the bad person their. When you do bad and make bad choices you will alway feel bad about yourself. If you even help an older person cross the streets you will fell better that you could do something for that person. If you were not a CTR champion you will let the older person cross the street in the ways that she could. Your the person that decides if your a CTR champion. You also could decide if you are not a CTR person. Another example is when you skip school and you don't go that day. That is CTW because there is no future in the streets. You could of been in school learning what you were suppose to learn but you decided to loose the day.

Friday, October 7, 2016

                "Goal Setting Is Goal Getting. Set and Get."

This quote means that when your going to do something just do it. Don't be like this is my goal for the week. Then the a week passes and it comes up to be a month when you set that goal . Your not suppose to do that , your suppose to put your goal that week and accomplish it the time that you think you will accomplish that goal. If you always going to set a goal but not accomplish when your just going to stay in the same place as always. You are not going to learn that way your just staying in the same place. For example if you are on a team and you say I am going to be a much better player in two months. So you begin to try your best but at the end you don't and so you don't go to the next level. You should never give up you will set that goal and accomplish it. You should accomplish it because you that you could do anything you want if you want it. So you should fight for what you want, and never give up.


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

''When obedience becomes our goal it is no longer an irritation, instead of a stumbling block it becomes a building block.''

This quote means that when you follow obedience life is going to be better  for you. When you want something and you  don't follow the rules its going to irritated you because every thing came out . When your obedient and you follow the rules your going to be earning point. You will be earning point because you know how to do things now and you could move to learning something new. When you choose to follow rules you going to a different level were you have the ability to learn something new. When you don't follow the rules you will start to get irritated because you don't know what to do and you will have wish to be obedient since the beginning. Another example is when you are choosing the wrong and you do bad things and the end you will only get stresses back and you will probely feel depress. For example when you smoke you will probley get cancer and thats going to stop you from doing the stuff that you did before. In the other hand when you and you do things as how they are. Good things are going to start coming in your life. For example you work hard in school ,you will get good grades.

Friday, September 30, 2016

                           "We Learn By  Doing It''

This quote means that when you want something you go get it. You are not going to do it ones and say that you give up. For example if your learning how to ride a bike .You might fall and it might hurt. You are not suppose to give up you are suppose to get on that bike again and keep pedaling until you mad it. A bad example is if you do a test and you get a bad score. So you decided to not stay after school and retake the test and you stay with that grade. You will get a bad grade and probably will fail the class because you did not work for it. Also if you start something you have to finish it you have to challenge your self to do things. When you go to the end you will feel good about yourself because you made it . It all adds up until the end you challenge yourself and in reward you got to learn something new

     “ Live Until It Last’’

This quote means that life comes and go. We will not always be here in this world . People always are going to come and go. It's just  the law of life. People get to choose if they live their life wisely or not. For example you should not be wasting your time fighting with others. You don’t want to be dying or something and you want the people that you did bad in life to forgive you of what you did. You want to live life a good way for example if you get a scholarship you will live the moment and keep on studying. You're not going to let it pass through you life like nothing happen. If you choose to live bad and use drugs and don’t even finish the high school that was just a waste of time. You have to live life until it last one day you're alive and one day you're not.Image result
                 Emergency Medical Technician

Duties and Responsibilities: A person who is specially trained and certified to administer basic emergency services to victims of trauma or acute illness before and during transportation to a hospital or other healthcare facility.

Salary: The amount of money the emergency medical technician get paid is around $31.700.

Education: To become a EMT it will take around 6 months to 2 years of training.

Demand for this profession: You need to get a certificate of the training that you took.

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Reflection: I would like to become an EMT because you get to help people . Sometimes you even get to save people's life. You check what's the problem and then you check what you could do about it.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

  Ear Nose Throat Doctor

Duties and Responsibilities: Otolaryngologists are  trained in the medical and surgical career  and  treat patients with diseases and disorders like the ears, nose,throat, head,and neck.

Salary: Otolaryngologist salary is about $302,500 per year

Education: In order to become an otolaryngologist you will have to study about 9-11 years of school.

Demands to this profession: You have to study about 4 years of medical school then 2 years of otolaryngologist course and lastly 3-5 years of residency program.

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Reflection: I would like a ear nose throat doctor because it is good helping other people. Although it takes a lot of years to become one it will be worth it. I mean it good helping people and like this you will help people by telling them what is the problem.

Monday, September 26, 2016

''Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy''

This quote means that if you follow by the rules you well live a better life. For example if you are going to make something but you don't read the instructions what will happen to the thing you are making. It will end well and probably not taste good at all. When you do follow the rules it will turn out much better and taste good and probably smell better too. Another example is when you follow the rules at home and act good too. You will feel happy and good that you helped around the house. Also you will probably will get rewarded of what you did for the day. When you are not obedient and your not acting good you will feel bad about yourself that you mad people get mad because of your fault. When they tell you don’t touch that because you're going to get burned or cut but you still do it. At the end you feel sad but also its your fault because you did not obey the person that was telling you to not do that thing. When you are obedient you remain happy but when you're not you remain sad.
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                               LAUSD Student Serves

-What are some student services that lausd provides:

  *Lausd is the largest public school system in the U.S. state of California and the 2nd largest public school district in the United State.  

 * They built Public schools for students who really want to learn

   *Free lunches for the students that go to school .
   - The district invest about $9 billion

 *They provide schools with supplies for the student could work                                - Such as pencils, crayons, markers, scissors etc.

 * When people such as teachers decide to work at lausd they help more school           and more students to learn

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Thursday, September 22, 2016

       " Choosing the right is always the right thing to do"

This quote means that when you do something good during the day. You will  always feel good when the day is finish because you doing good. What its trying to show you is that when you do bad during the day you will feel bad when the day finishes.When you help a older person to even cross the street you will fell good about it.Why because you are doing the good of the day. Another example is when you are in a place and all the seats are taken and you see someone older then you. One thing you could do to feel that you did the right thing is by leaving your seat and giving it to the older person. In the other hand when you choose the wrong and you don't leave the seat to the older person and you just don't care that there standing that would be the wrong thing to do. Another thing that is doing the right to feel right is to get good grades in school. You will feel good about your self because you worked hard to get those grades.But when you do wrong and it the always the wrong thing is when you start to cheat on test for example . Another example is when you start to not do your homework on time and turn in things late you will feel bad about that. We are the ones to choose the right to always feel good about our self . O r you could choose the wrong and feel bad about your self.

Duties and Responsibilities: A dermatologist are people that deals with the nails,skin,hair, and its diseases.  

Salary: Male dermatologists are paid for median pay about $300,000 while female dermatologist get paid median pay about $262,500.

Education: A dermatologist has to earn a bachelor’s degree and then go to medical school to become a medical doctor. Then you have to do 1 year of internship of medical training  and 3 years of accredited dermatology.

Demands for this Profession: Dermatologist have to take about 8 years of study to complete this career .
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Reflection: I would not like to be a dermatologist because you are going to see people's body and look what they have. Sometimes dermatologist see something nasty in the patient's body. If that does not bother you then you're okay to become a dermatologist.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

''What you are as a person is so far more important than what you are as a basketball player.''

This quote means that even thought you are a basketball player you don't have to change your personality . Only cause you start something new doesn't means that you will have to change.Everything will be the same if you make it be the same. For example if you join a sport or an activity and you start to think different that you have to win no matter what. You will start to cheap , you will not not talk a lot to your friends and family no more because you trying to be the best out of everyone. Another example is your friend ask you to skip class your the one that make the decisions. You will have the option to skip class or to go in to class. When you choose to go in to class you are showing the that you are a CTR person. When you don't go in that when you are showing the bad side of what kind of person you are. You will see what right at the end of everything you do.You are the one that decides what person you want to be.

Duties and Responsibilities:Preparing lesson plans, teaching  classes and evaluating student progress.

*Middle School Teacher salaries
*Special Education Teacher, Preschool, Kindergarten, or Elementary School  salaries
*Special Education Teacher, Secondary School  salaries
*Secondary School Teacher  salaries

Education:  Elementary teachers  have to have the  bachelor's degrees in education, while high school teachers have to get a degrees in some subject area.

Demand for this profession: The demands to become a teacher is that you have to have the requirements depending the school grade you want to teach.

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Reflection; Yes I would like to be a teacher because you get to teach other people what you already know. Only bad thing about this is when the student don’t be good in class you will have to deal with that . So besides that being a teacher will be a good job.

Friday, September 16, 2016

                 ''True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse''

This quote means that when people say wealth they means your rich. This also means that you can't buy wealth with more money. There are more better ways to get wealth by the heart not by money. One way is to really work for what you really want . In the other way you could go the easy way and just pay and your done, Its when you have a test and you actually study for it and could get a good grade. Or you could cheat and pay someone to do your test for you. When you do something bad like paying to pass something your the one that's going to loss because you are not going to know anything at the end. But if you choose the  right and take the harder way you will learn. I would say this is what true wealth is of the heart, not of the purse.

Dental Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities: perform a variety of patient care, office, and laboratory duties and often work chair-side as dentists examine and treat patients. The make the patients feel that everything will be alright.

Salary: The dental assistants  get paid annual about $34,500 and hourly they get paid about $16.59.

Education: Dental assistant have to study about 2 years of school for some programs.

Demands for this profession: The demands for this profession is to get 2 years of study and postsecondary non-degree award to become a dental assistant.

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Reflection: Yes I would like to be a dental assistant because you just help the dentist. All that you're doing is pass him the tool he needs to do the job. If he doesn’t need help you go take over the front desk. Although this career does not take a long time to study so its going to take you less to do this career then others.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

      ''You cannot do wrong and feel right . It's impossible''

This quote means that if you do something bad at the end you going to be sorry that you did that. This is like if you do something right at the end of the day you won't feel bad of what you did during the day. One example could be if you fight with your siblings at the end you won't feel good because they got mad and they don't want to talk to you. I n the other hand if you do the right and you could work thing out with your siblings and do't start a fight you will feel that you did the right. It's always going to be like that you do the wrong you feel bad of what you did. When you do the right you feel good of what you did. It's like if your somewhere and there is no more seat to sit in and you see an older person standing and you did not give your seat up to give it to the person that's when you don't feel right. Also when your friend and family tell you it's wrong to do something and you do it and always it goes wrong that when you fell bad. You fell bad because you did not care about what they were telling you and you just did it and it went all wrong. So that what you cannot do wrong and feel right.

Monday, September 12, 2016

       " When I do good, I fell good. When I do bad I feel bad"

This quote means that when you do something good to a person you feel good about your self because you help someone. When you do bad that you did something that you were supposed to you feel bad because you did that. For example when you even help someone help cross the streets you feel good about yourself. In the other hand when you do bad and let say that you got in a fight with your sibling you will fell bad and want to apologize for what you did.The more good you do the better you will feel about yourself. Same goes with the bad the more bad you do the more bad you feel about yourself. Another example is when you go volunteer for some good like cleaning the community. After all that day you will feel good because you help the community to look more nice. When you do bad like when you stole that is doing the wrong thing and at the end of the day you or not going to feel good about yourself. People get to decide if they want to be good to fell good or bad to fell bad.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

      '' The key to freedom is obedience. The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have.''

 This means that we have freedom because we do something good in life. For example you follow any type of rules in a place and see that your good to follow rules the people their give you more trust. In the other side if u do bad and don't follow rules you don't have freedom because you can't follow rules. If you do something good that good that you made will return. In the other hand if you do bad will bad is of course going to return. For example if you smoke your not getting nothing good what you get is cancer in your lungs.