Friday, September 30, 2016
“ Live Until It Last’’
This quote means that life comes and go. We will not always be here in this world . People always are going to come and go. It's just the law of life. People get to choose if they live their life wisely or not. For example you should not be wasting your time fighting with others. You don’t want to be dying or something and you want the people that you did bad in life to forgive you of what you did. You want to live life a good way for example if you get a scholarship you will live the moment and keep on studying. You're not going to let it pass through you life like nothing happen. If you choose to live bad and use drugs and don’t even finish the high school that was just a waste of time. You have to live life until it last one day you're alive and one day you're not.
Emergency Medical Technician
Duties and Responsibilities: A person who is specially trained and certified to administer basic emergency services to victims of trauma or acute illness before and during transportation to a hospital or other healthcare facility.
Salary: The amount of money the emergency medical technician get paid is around $31.700.
Education: To become a EMT it will take around 6 months to 2 years of training.
Demand for this profession: You need to get a certificate of the training that you took.
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Reflection: I would like to become an EMT because you get to help people . Sometimes you even get to save people's life. You check what's the problem and then you check what you could do about it.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Ear Nose Throat Doctor
Duties and Responsibilities: Otolaryngologists are trained in the medical and surgical career and treat patients with diseases and disorders like the ears, nose,throat, head,and neck.
Salary: Otolaryngologist salary is about $302,500 per year
Education: In order to become an otolaryngologist you will have to study about 9-11 years of school.
Demands to this profession: You have to study about 4 years of medical school then 2 years of otolaryngologist course and lastly 3-5 years of residency program.
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Reflection: I would like a ear nose throat doctor because it is good helping other people. Although it takes a lot of years to become one it will be worth it. I mean it good helping people and like this you will help people by telling them what is the problem.
Monday, September 26, 2016
''Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy''
This quote means that if you follow by the rules you well live a better life. For example if you are going to make something but you don't read the instructions what will happen to the thing you are making. It will end well and probably not taste good at all. When you do follow the rules it will turn out much better and taste good and probably smell better too. Another example is when you follow the rules at home and act good too. You will feel happy and good that you helped around the house. Also you will probably will get rewarded of what you did for the day. When you are not obedient and your not acting good you will feel bad about yourself that you mad people get mad because of your fault. When they tell you don’t touch that because you're going to get burned or cut but you still do it. At the end you feel sad but also its your fault because you did not obey the person that was telling you to not do that thing. When you are obedient you remain happy but when you're not you remain sad.
LAUSD Student Serves
-What are some student services that lausd provides:
*Lausd is the largest public school system in the U.S. state of California and the 2nd largest public school district in the United State.
* They built Public schools for students who really want to learn
*Free lunches for the students that go to school .
- The district invest about $9 billion
*They provide schools with supplies for the student could work - Such as pencils, crayons, markers, scissors etc.
* When people such as teachers decide to work at lausd they help more school and more students to learn
Thursday, September 22, 2016
" Choosing the right is always the right thing to do"
This quote means that when you do something good during the day. You will always feel good when the day is finish because you doing good. What its trying to show you is that when you do bad during the day you will feel bad when the day finishes.When you help a older person to even cross the street you will fell good about it.Why because you are doing the good of the day. Another example is when you are in a place and all the seats are taken and you see someone older then you. One thing you could do to feel that you did the right thing is by leaving your seat and giving it to the older person. In the other hand when you choose the wrong and you don't leave the seat to the older person and you just don't care that there standing that would be the wrong thing to do. Another thing that is doing the right to feel right is to get good grades in school. You will feel good about your self because you worked hard to get those grades.But when you do wrong and it the always the wrong thing is when you start to cheat on test for example . Another example is when you start to not do your homework on time and turn in things late you will feel bad about that. We are the ones to choose the right to always feel good about our self . O r you could choose the wrong and feel bad about your self.
Duties and Responsibilities: A dermatologist are people that deals with the nails,skin,hair, and its diseases.
Salary: Male dermatologists are paid for median pay about $300,000 while female dermatologist get paid median pay about $262,500.
Education: A dermatologist has to earn a bachelor’s degree and then go to medical school to become a medical doctor. Then you have to do 1 year of internship of medical training and 3 years of accredited dermatology.
Demands for this Profession: Dermatologist have to take about 8 years of study to complete this career .
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Reflection: I would not like to be a dermatologist because you are going to see people's body and look what they have. Sometimes dermatologist see something nasty in the patient's body. If that does not bother you then you're okay to become a dermatologist.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
''What you are as a person is so far more important than what you are as a basketball player.''
This quote means that even thought you are a basketball player you don't have to change your personality . Only cause you start something new doesn't means that you will have to change.Everything will be the same if you make it be the same. For example if you join a sport or an activity and you start to think different that you have to win no matter what. You will start to cheap , you will not not talk a lot to your friends and family no more because you trying to be the best out of everyone. Another example is your friend ask you to skip class your the one that make the decisions. You will have the option to skip class or to go in to class. When you choose to go in to class you are showing the that you are a CTR person. When you don't go in that when you are showing the bad side of what kind of person you are. You will see what right at the end of everything you do.You are the one that decides what person you want to be.
Duties and Responsibilities:Preparing lesson plans, teaching classes and evaluating student progress.
*Middle School Teacher salaries
*Special Education Teacher, Preschool, Kindergarten, or Elementary School salaries
*Special Education Teacher, Secondary School salaries
*Secondary School Teacher salaries
Education: Elementary teachers have to have the bachelor's degrees in education, while high school teachers have to get a degrees in some subject area.
Demand for this profession: The demands to become a teacher is that you have to have the requirements depending the school grade you want to teach.
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Reflection; Yes I would like to be a teacher because you get to teach other people what you already know. Only bad thing about this is when the student don’t be good in class you will have to deal with that . So besides that being a teacher will be a good job.
Friday, September 16, 2016
''True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse''
This quote means that when people say wealth they means your rich. This also means that you can't buy wealth with more money. There are more better ways to get wealth by the heart not by money. One way is to really work for what you really want . In the other way you could go the easy way and just pay and your done, Its when you have a test and you actually study for it and could get a good grade. Or you could cheat and pay someone to do your test for you. When you do something bad like paying to pass something your the one that's going to loss because you are not going to know anything at the end. But if you choose the right and take the harder way you will learn. I would say this is what true wealth is of the heart, not of the purse.
Dental Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities: perform a variety of patient care, office, and laboratory duties and often work chair-side as dentists examine and treat patients. The make the patients feel that everything will be alright.
Salary: The dental assistants get paid annual about $34,500 and hourly they get paid about $16.59.
Education: Dental assistant have to study about 2 years of school for some programs.
Demands for this profession: The demands for this profession is to get 2 years of study and postsecondary non-degree award to become a dental assistant.
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Reflection: Yes I would like to be a dental assistant because you just help the dentist. All that you're doing is pass him the tool he needs to do the job. If he doesn’t need help you go take over the front desk. Although this career does not take a long time to study so its going to take you less to do this career then others.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
''You cannot do wrong and feel right . It's impossible''
This quote means that if you do something bad at the end you going to be sorry that you did that. This is like if you do something right at the end of the day you won't feel bad of what you did during the day. One example could be if you fight with your siblings at the end you won't feel good because they got mad and they don't want to talk to you. I n the other hand if you do the right and you could work thing out with your siblings and do't start a fight you will feel that you did the right. It's always going to be like that you do the wrong you feel bad of what you did. When you do the right you feel good of what you did. It's like if your somewhere and there is no more seat to sit in and you see an older person standing and you did not give your seat up to give it to the person that's when you don't feel right. Also when your friend and family tell you it's wrong to do something and you do it and always it goes wrong that when you fell bad. You fell bad because you did not care about what they were telling you and you just did it and it went all wrong. So that what you cannot do wrong and feel right.
Monday, September 12, 2016
" When I do good, I fell good. When I do bad I feel bad"
This quote means that when you do something good to a person you feel good about your self because you help someone. When you do bad that you did something that you were supposed to you feel bad because you did that. For example when you even help someone help cross the streets you feel good about yourself. In the other hand when you do bad and let say that you got in a fight with your sibling you will fell bad and want to apologize for what you did.The more good you do the better you will feel about yourself. Same goes with the bad the more bad you do the more bad you feel about yourself. Another example is when you go volunteer for some good like cleaning the community. After all that day you will feel good because you help the community to look more nice. When you do bad like when you stole that is doing the wrong thing and at the end of the day you or not going to feel good about yourself. People get to decide if they want to be good to fell good or bad to fell bad.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
'' The key to freedom is obedience. The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have.''
This means that we have freedom because we do something good in life. For example you follow any type of rules in a place and see that your good to follow rules the people their give you more trust. In the other side if u do bad and don't follow rules you don't have freedom because you can't follow rules. If you do something good that good that you made will return. In the other hand if you do bad will bad is of course going to return. For example if you smoke your not getting nothing good what you get is cancer in your lungs.
The twin towers where located in New York City. In April 4,1973 the building was open. In 9/11/2001 its when it all began. Until this day we use the number 911 but its used for emergency. When this happened about 2,996 people did not make it and died. Only about 20 person where still alive.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
''Obedience is the great test of life''
I think that ''Obedience is the great test of life'' means that when you do something good your going to feel of course good about yourself. In the other hand when you do something bad you feel bad about yourself. Also when you do something bad and people keep telling you to not do thing that are bad but we still do it. Then almost all of the time we do a thing bad and bad things happens and that is when obedience is the great test of life.
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